What is the mask on a spiritual level?
The mask is the face a person wears when they first meet you or want something from you. Often, when people wear the mask, it serves as their representative. But the thing about the mask is it can't stay on forever.
Eventually, the mask slips, and you get to see the true nature of that person. It becomes too challenging to maintain the consistent false narrative this person has been presenting. They may only be able to uphold this image for so long.
Typically, the mask slips within one to three months, although it can happen sooner or later. Usually, within this timeframe, there will be some red flags. It's up to you whether you want to ignore or make a mental note of these red flags.
Once you become more aware of the mask and realize that most people wear them, especially in the beginning, it becomes easier to discern a person's true objectives. You will be able to see the mask slipping sooner rather than later.
When a client comes to me having just met someone new, often they want to know, "Is this the person of my future? Is this the person I'm going to settle down with?" Everything seems good at first because they are hiding behind the mask.
Even as a Master Psychic, I need time to see that mask slip because not all people are bad. There are good people in this world. But sometimes, finding out who that person really is takes time. Patience is key in this process. As they say, time is the revealer of all truth.
So when a client asks me, "Is this the one?" I tell them I need at least one to three months. Now, I can immediately see the good and the bad in a person. I could find wrong in anyone. I could find good in most people. But to see their true colors, you sometimes have to sit back, observe, and let people be themselves.
If you have to instruct people on how to behave or treat you well, it's a red flag. It's basic human decency and nature to treat people with respect.
In the very beginning, if you are connecting with someone and you find that they are not giving you respect, or they are breaking your boundaries, or they're taking your kindness for weakness, you need to immediately make a note that the mask is slipping. Remember, self-respect is crucial in these situations.
If you warn someone, "I see the mask slipping; I notice these things about you," they may quickly readjust the mask and continue deceiving you.
So it's best to just observe, watch people, let them be themselves. And then, after that one to three-month period, you can ask yourself, "Do I want to continue dealing with this person? Does this person bring value and great energy into my life, or do they drain me?"
Another sign of the mask slipping is the nonverbal cues and actions that often betray true feelings. It could be the things they say to you, making you feel insignificant. It could be the way they look at you, squint their face when they see you, or the fake smile they give.
So, pay very close attention to these nonverbal actions and cues because actions are the greatest predictors of the future. And as cliché as it sounds, actions really do speak louder than words. This is a fundamental truth in understanding human behavior.
People will show you how they feel about you but may tell you something different.
So, that person might say, "Yeah, I love you, I like you," but if they don't treat you like they love or like you, they're just pulling the mask over your eyes.
Always keep your guard up until the mask slips. And remember, within one to three months is typically when the mask slips.
If you see the mask slipping and decide to keep moving forward, you can't get mad at anyone but yourself. No offense, but people are who they are. It's hard enough for us to change and even harder to expect someone else to want to change.
They can't just tell you they're going to change. They've got to show you. And if they're not showing you that they're changing, that means they're not going to.
Anybody can tell you anything.
So keep your guard up. Always look for clues as to when the mask slips. Take a mental note or write it down. And if you see a lot of red flags in the beginning, or if that person pops back into your life after a period of time with that mask up like the person you met, and then you see that mask slipping again, then you want to run like it's the plague.
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If you need help finding out if the mask is slipping, make sure you visit me at www.MasterPsychicOnline.com.
Warm regards,
Master Psychic Rachel
Don't live life in the dark...